The Achilles’ Heel of Enterprise Security: User-Controlled Access Credentials

The burden of securing access can no longer fall on employees and customers. As cyberattacks continue to evolve in sophistication and scale, the time for half-measures has passed. Enterprise risk demands a new security platform and credentials that are controlled by the organization, not its users.

Generative AI: hindering or helping synthetic fraud?

Industry and individuals alike are embracing the potential of generative artificial intelligence (AI) solutions like ChatGPT, while concern continues to grow about the security risks they pose. AI is being used increasingly to detect fraud. Software providers offer solutions that analyze hundreds – even thousands – of data points for purposes of everything from verifying identity to detecting anomalies in user behavior. But at the same time, AI has proven a highly useful tool for criminals to commit fraud, including synthetic fraud – now the fastest growing type of financial crime.

TASCET Names TelOS-Labs as Premier MSP

TASCET Launches SYM Certain Cybersecurity Framework

Identity Risk: The New Frontier in Enterprise Risk Management

GLENN SCHOEN is an expert in security risk assessment and crisis management and CEO of Boardroom@Crisis BV, which serves multinationals, international institutions, and governments. We sat down with him to get his views on the implications of identity risk for modern enterprises.

Identity + Blockchain: What, me worry?

The positive view goes like this: we could use blockchain/distributed-ledger technology to store our important data (such as financial and healthcare records) and only let others gain access to exactly what we allow. This method would replace the current approach where banks, healthcare providers, credit bureaus, and government offices store whatever they want using systems that may somehow be accessed without our consent.