Entries by Brenda Sorenson

Growing threat to lenders: Synthetic Identities

autonews.com The automotive industry needs to ask themselves this question, do we have a responsibility to our customers to protect them from the threat of our vendors data breach? The obvious answer is of course we do. Synthetic identities can be eliminated when we quit relying on a social security number as an identity tool. […]

BankThink Equifax breach threatens bank reputations, too

americanbanker.com “However, while determining any potential legal liability is important, it is not the most important issue that banks should address immediately. Rather, the core question is how can the bank protect its customers? Should it be reactive or proactive?” The answer is proactive. It is time for banks and other companies to put the […]

Dark Web Selling Breached Equifax Data for $2.7 Million

yournewswire.com Be aware that the Equifax breach will affect every business that sells goods or services in the United States. Progressive companies will take advantage of this crisis by being proactive and creating a personal firewall for their customers. Tascet provides for this proactive solution and creates a much higher value of good will for […]

Equifax Breach

databreachtoday.com The long-term repercussions from this breach are going to have a lasting effect on both businesses and consumers. Consumers need to demand privacy and security, as a condition of doing business. TASCET provides privacy, security and anonymity.

How blockchain could help boost healthcare security

healthdatamanagement.com  “If the perfect system were created and all healthcare records were part of the same blockchain ledger, it could potentially allow medical professionals to see all associated records and prove the patient’s identity and other treatments they have received.” As the entry point for blockchain technologies, TASCET’s Super ID offers identity and anonymity, which […]

Maersk says Nyetya cyberattack cost it $300M in revenue loss

ciodive.com “The attack brought Maersk’s operations to a grinding halt, shutting down terminal operations around the world. The company has since put additional defensive measures in place and is reviewing how to further protect its systems from attack.” At TASCET, we acknowledge the need for companies to take proactive steps to protect themselves. Our solution […]

What’s the Highest Value Card in Your Employee’s Wallets?

idexpertscorp.com “The ability to steal and easily sell massive amounts of personal information has transformed the economics of information theft. Victims can spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars cleaning up credit or medical records, clearing their names, or otherwise re-establishing their identities.” At TASCET, we link a digital identity to an individual rather […]

Medical Data Breaches: The Latest Health Care Epidemic

publichealthonline.gwu.edu “During cyberattacks, unauthorized people gain access to confidential information, referred to as protected health information (PHI), in a variety of ways. Stolen PHI poses a different set of threats than personal information that’s taken from retail stores and other non-medical businesses.” At TASCET, we realize not only the importance of securing patient data but […]

Protecting your name

By, Jason Busch: Protecting your privacy and personal information is a major concern for most people. Regardless of whether or not you have “something to hide,” nobody likes the thought of their personal information being made available to any and everybody, especially when that information contains private medical records. These days, data breaches and hackers […]

New Product Offers Enterprisewide Unique Patient IDs

By, Joseph Goedert: Risk management software vendor TASCET Inc. of Madison, Wis, has introduced a unique patient identifier for providers, insurers, health information exchanges and other healthcare organizations. Enterprise use of the identifier across an organization would increase patient safety and convenience, while also protecting against fraud, says Larry Aubol, CEO at TASCET. The company […]