Win the War With Technology
An imperfect understanding of security allows threats to emerge at scale.
Win the War With Technology
An imperfect understanding of security allows threats to emerge at scale.
The global cost of cybercrime will hit $10.5 trillion a year by 2025.
Obviously, there is no security in cybersecurity.
Authentication for access, including MFA, offered by technology and SaaS companies is not security.
The global cost of cybercrime will hit $10.5 trillion a year by 2025.
Obviously, there is no security in cybersecurity.
Authentication for access, including MFA, offered by technology and SaaS companies is not security.
Stealth Security for Your Infrastructure
Infrastructure Embedded with Private Security Makes You Quantum Safe
Organizations are losing the war with technology. Leadership has had no options other than to rely on the advice and ineffective security practices of IT and software providers that are not in your best interest.
Historically, technology and software companies implemented access parameters – usernames and passwords – as security and auditing tools for their own purposes, not their clients’ needs. They were never intended to become the enterprise go-to-solution for security, which has become woefully apparent. You had the luxury of no choice.
That is about to change.
We design a bespoke Security Engine on your behalf to build private security into your infrastructure. You have stealth security that is always on, yet others don’t know it’s there. In today’s environment you have no control, but you bear all the risk. Now you control and manage the risk.
Authentication is not security.
Employees, customers, contractors, and patients cannot be allowed to create their own credentials.
SaaS and technology companies include authentication methods that require your users to create passwords, download apps, and store biometrics on a device.
Authentication methods can be compromised. Stacking them for multi-factor authentication (MFA) only creates more burden and friction. It’s still not security!
Authentication hasn’t withstood the relentless onslaught of ever-evolving cybersecurity threats.
Control is security.
Take ownership and control with private security.
You create security credentials for users who you have established as unique and store them in your Security Engine – the heart of your enterprise security operations. Users are confirmed against your Security Engine, not an authenticator, data, token, or device.
Your infrastructure has embedded security to take the burden off your employees, partners, customers, and patients. This provides security across networks and applications in on-prem, cloud, and hybrid environments.
Take ownership and control with private security. The future of your enterprise is being decided today.
Your Infrastructure / Our Platform
Security for Cybersecurity
The Certainty Platform is the core for your infrastructure to provide security for multiple use case scenarios.
Companies can’t continue to ‘valet’ their security to employees or accept the authentication methods offered by software providers, cybersecurity companies, and IAM solutions. Now you don’t have to.
TASCET is an independent security platform. We built our Certainty Platform to be hardware and software agnostic.
Your Infrastructure / Our Platform
Security for Cybersecurity
The Certainty Platform is the core for your infrastructure to provide security for multiple use case scenarios.
Companies can’t continue to ‘valet’ their security to employees or accept the authentication methods offered by software providers, cybersecurity companies, and IAM solutions. Now you don’t have to.
TASCET is an independent security platform. We built our Certainty Platform to be hardware and software agnostic.
Know security or no security.
Without Security, imposters can become your employees and customers.
Imposters and synthetic fraud are growing at banks, payment systems, mobile providers, and victims like auto dealerships and title insurers. Data verification and fraud tools have only increased the cost of fraud without any level of deterrence.
TASCET provides a simple, definitive end to synthetic fraud before it begins. Vision Ledgers leverages our Certainty Platform and proprietary Pattern Matching Engine to prevent synthetics within an organization and across industries.
Vision Ledgers combats criminal activity beyond a single entity or location, without compromising privacy or friction. Vision ensures every participant in a sector-specific ledger is unique, with one simple step.
Know security or no security.
Without Security, imposters can become your employees and customers.
Imposters and synthetic fraud are growing at banks, payment systems, mobile providers, and victims like auto dealerships and title insurers. Data verification and fraud tools have only increased the cost of fraud without any level of deterrence.
TASCET provides a simple, definitive end to synthetic fraud before it begins. Vision Ledgers leverages our Certainty Platform and proprietary Pattern Matching Engine to prevent synthetics within an organization and across industries.
Vision Ledgers combats criminal activity beyond a single entity or location, without compromising privacy or friction. Vision ensures every participant in a sector-specific ledger is unique, with one simple step.
Payment fraud is complex and persistent
Security to bond the bank, the merchant, and the customer.
Payment fraud happens before, during, and after a transaction. TASCET engineered Bonding to implement security at every stage, preventing fraud without impacting customer experience.
Criminals can exploit payment systems because they run on data, not security. Bonding is a closed-loop security system spanning application to payment, be it a card transaction, real time payment, or wire transfer.
Bonding stops synthetics and imposters at account opening, confirms the unique sender or cardholder instantly before the transaction occurs, and enables activity to be confirmed to prevent friendly fraud.
Payment fraud is complex and persistent
Security to bond the bank, the merchant, and the customer.
Payment fraud happens before, during, and after a transaction. TASCET engineered Bonding to implement security at every stage, preventing fraud without impacting customer experience.
Criminals can exploit payment systems because they run on data, not security. Bonding is a closed-loop security system spanning application to payment, be it a card transaction, real time payment, or wire transfer.
Bonding stops synthetics and imposters at account opening, confirms the unique sender or cardholder instantly before the transaction occurs, and enables activity to be confirmed to prevent friendly fraud.
The greatest fallacy of zero trust is not security, it is the illusion of security.
Zero trust is a promise that can’t be kept.
The paradox of zero trust is that you verify passwords and devices that can’t be trusted. Trust and verification are not security concepts.
TASCET gives your zero trust strategy a tactical start. With SymSync, you begin with security. This enables you to commit to a successful zero trust strategy with certainty.
With SymSync, you build a security architecture for zero trust. This security architecture is driven by management under the leadership of the C-suite, where the risk and responsibility for security reside.
The greatest fallacy of zero trust is not security, it is the illusion of security.
Zero trust is a promise that can’t be kept.
The paradox of zero trust is that you verify passwords and devices that can’t be trusted. Trust and verification are not security concepts.
TASCET gives your zero trust strategy a tactical start. With SymSync, you begin with security. This enables you to commit to a successful zero trust strategy with certainty.
With SymSync, you build a security architecture for zero trust. This security architecture is driven by management under the leadership of the C-suite, where the risk and responsibility for security reside.
TASCET Cognition Engines
Built on a series of algorithms to ensure uniqueness for the issuance of security credentials, without the use of PII. A groundbreaking approach to protect your enterprise from hacks, ransomware, synthetic identities and other types of fraud and cybercrime.
TASCET Security Engines
A Security Engine that you own, control, and manage for the software that runs your enterprise, enabling you to overcome the risks inherent in software and the login processes and access credentials used today.
Pattern Matching Engine
The Pattern Matching Engine was designed and built for private ledgers. Combined with our other three engines, the engine prevents transaction fraud and ensures private ledgers can function securely and privately within the structure of Web3.
PROOF Security Credential
Closed-loop security credentials that you create and control for your employees, customers, patients, and partners – removing the risk to your enterprise from third-party and user-generated credentials.
Breaking Zero Trust
Our technology transforms a ‘protect’ approach to a ‘prevent’ strategy, hardening zero trust models with a security credential that cannot be brute-forced or stolen.
Privacy by Design
PROOFs are unique, anonymous and nontransferable. PII is not requested, acquired or verified to create a PROOF. There is no data to mine or monetize, and we don’t monitor transactions.